The local gas company is digging up the sides of our country road to do who knows what with a gas line. It's usually so quiet out here that people who visit always comment on how can we stand the silence.
The silence is a blessing I didn't fully appreciate until now. There are no birds singing or even flying around, no rabbits, no ground squirrels, no road runners. I think even the spiders and scorpions are hiding.
The incessant beeping of heavy machinery backing up has taken the place of the road runner who beeps as he peers into my studio. The workers have taken the place of the animals and their loud voices carry as they call out directions to each other. Tito and Lalo, our dogs, bark more often to protect us from the monsters they're sure will soon be upon us.
My tranquility is disrupted. I'm doing my best but it's hard when I'm not used to so much noise.